Bridal Shop for Sale
Company profile:
– The company has been around for 4 years now. We deal with wedding packages; photography, videography, makeup and hairdo, as well as rental and sale of wedding dresses.
– The business is located within a hotel, nicely decorated and accessible. We do get quite a bit of walk-ins from the guests staying around.
– Lease of business is until Sept, so it will be a perfect chance for you to try out and see if the business is suitable for you. Landlord is a extremely nice guy, and he is ok with extending the lease to 1 year if preferred. DressAfford prom of simple
– We have built up two brands under us :
1. One focuses on rental of mother’s gowns; D&D gowns, and evening gowns. This brand is SEO focused and we’re page 1 on google when you key in ‘evening dress rental’.
2. The other brand focuses on wedding packages. It targets brides who are looking for pre-wedding and wedding day packages. This brand is just done up last year.
– Items included in the sale:
1. Facebook page with over 90k likes.
2. 1 Webpage that is ranked 1st page under google search engine.
3. 1 Webpage that is newly built half a year ago.
4. Instagram page with more than 1k followers
5. Renovated studio that cost us around 40k.
6. Phone number & internet line all set up (We’d have to change name though) - No.1 Buy and Sell Business Platform | Singapore Business For Sale