Wearing the shit outta that dress....Bodyyyyy

SOOOOOOO as you all know Hubby surprised me with a 10th Wedding Anniversary Masquerade Ball!!!! I’m at a total LOSS for words & I’m getting teary eyed even as type this.
My Hubby has been working on this for 6 months & had about 10 of our closest friends in on it. Everyone was throwing me all kinds of misdirection. I’m going get y’all back too.
I thought I was going to a Black Tie engagement. Little did I know it was a celebration of our past 10 years of matrimony. It was basically a recreation of our wedding. I didn’t know what to expect when I walked through those doors. I lost it INSTANTLY!!! applique wedding dress
THANK YOU to all my family & friends who came out to support our journey AND BIG UPS to the Hubby for being such a blessing to me & the boys.
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOU HEAR ME!!!! I’m ever so humble & grateful.